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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thing 5: More Flickr Fun and Mashups

I understand that Flickr is an online photo storing and sharing application. However...

I do not want to play with my personal photos on the web. I do not want to, or have the time to, create original artwork on the web using photos from here, there and everywhere.

Here is a quote from a Flickr Q&A website about what an API is (because I didn't know and was glad when I finally found the answer). This seems to me how mashups work:

"Question: I am not a programmer- what exactly is the Flickr API and what does it mean to me?

Answer: API stands for Application Programming Interface which allows outside ("third party") applications or websites to communicate with Flickr and exchange information. This exchange allows developers to create cool programs or services that make use of data from Flickr. That might mean allowing you to use your photos to make a calendar, introducing new ways or presenting public photos or enhancing your Flickr experience with tools or features which Flickr doesn't offer directly.

There are many popular third party applications built by clever developers, and Flickr's open API allows them to create these. Some developers create games, screen savers, photo albums, and lots more. For some samples, you can start on the "do more" page or our services page."

I visited all the links mentioned in the Thing 5 description.

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