Carrot Stick

Yahoo! Avatars

Friday, February 29, 2008

Thing 7: Online Communication Tools

I did use the free Doodle tool to create a little poll of my family about what their favorite vacation destination is. That was quick and fun. I can see using something like that in the future for polling family, friends or school staff about different things. I can teach students and staff about it for the times when they want to use primary research. The calender feature would be nice for planning any event where you wanted to maximize attendance.

I did skim through the 6 blogs at the top of the email. I am feeling a bit left out of the craze to create online - I do not identify (yet!)

I have participated in a few webinars, the latest one through MINITEX which made available the College of DuPage's Soaring to Excellence teleconference called “People Watching With a Purpose: Meeting Needs Before They Need It."

I learned about a website this week that would be a good source for students and staff to find images for their lessons or projects. It is called Creative Commons.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thing 6: Online Image Generator

I added The Generator Blog to my RSS account, although I do not know when or why I would use such a tool. (I looked at all the links that were included with the Thing 6 email).

I also did some more reading about how to set up my RSS feeds so that I can see them instantaneously when I am using the web. I ended up making a personalized iGoogle home page where my Google Reader now shows up. That took some doing.

I also used the settings in Google Reader to pare down the 1000+ feeds I originally had to just a few. That certainly feels more under control.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thing 5: More Flickr Fun and Mashups

I understand that Flickr is an online photo storing and sharing application. However...

I do not want to play with my personal photos on the web. I do not want to, or have the time to, create original artwork on the web using photos from here, there and everywhere.

Here is a quote from a Flickr Q&A website about what an API is (because I didn't know and was glad when I finally found the answer). This seems to me how mashups work:

"Question: I am not a programmer- what exactly is the Flickr API and what does it mean to me?

Answer: API stands for Application Programming Interface which allows outside ("third party") applications or websites to communicate with Flickr and exchange information. This exchange allows developers to create cool programs or services that make use of data from Flickr. That might mean allowing you to use your photos to make a calendar, introducing new ways or presenting public photos or enhancing your Flickr experience with tools or features which Flickr doesn't offer directly.

There are many popular third party applications built by clever developers, and Flickr's open API allows them to create these. Some developers create games, screen savers, photo albums, and lots more. For some samples, you can start on the "do more" page or our services page."

I visited all the links mentioned in the Thing 5 description.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thing 4: What is not fun about Flickr?

(I eventually did set up a Flickr account. I did upload ONE photo. I will, no doubt, use this photo sharing in future. I just don't have a strong need for it at the moment.

In all honesty, I did write this originally....)

IMO, just about everything. I am choosing not to set up a Flickr account at this time. I do not wish to store, share, sort and search for photos in Flickr.

I just spent a half hour reading about Flickr. I read through a lot of FAQs and blog comments. Despite the ability to mark your photos as "private" I still feel that storing my personal photos on the the Internet is undesirable.

Maybe there will come a time that I will think differently.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thing 3: Set up an RSS account and add feeds

I set up a feed with Google Reader.

I can understand the beauty of an aggregator like this for specific areas of interest at specific times of need. I just don't have the inclination at the present time to read, read, read so many words! I am reading all day long professionally and personally. It is overwhelming to me to be on the receiving end of so many words. I feel that if I want to know something I would rather initiate the search to find out that information specifically - and not be deluged by the incessant chatter of throngs of know-it-alls.

If I could find a good professional site which had information I could really use day to day I would be inclined to check that out.

I used the search box in Google Reader to find a blog I wanted and I copied and pasted a news website into the Google Reader subscription box.

I personally have a great need to get away from so much "screen time." The addictiveness of reading news, opinions and gossip that is changing and being added every minute to online information sources only serves to glue me ever tighter to my chair in front of the computer screen.

Perhaps my blog name is very appropriate for how I feel - I am "stuck" to technology that I feel is more imprisoning than it is freeing.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 2: Response to "What is Library 2.0?"

Where will I find the time to explore the 23 things?
It is true, as Abram stated in the audio clip, that you find time for things that are important to you. This is important to me so I will commit to it and do it.

Why am I choosing to participate in this "exercise?"
I want to understand and learn the tools that people, especially young people are using to communicate with each other. We all can benefit from the giant social network provided for us by the web and the tools that keep being invented for it. It would be easier (lazier) to not participate now but in the long term that choice would result in being way out of touch with the culture, personally and professionally.

How has the Internet and all its resources affected my life?
Life truly has become an "open-book test." Everything I want to know I can easily search for on the Internet. It may be a recipe - or a quick check on an author's background. I am always "in-the-know." It makes me a valuable asset to those I work with and for as well as to those I live with!

What's my knowledge of the Web 2.0 tools?
I have a little knowledge and experience, but confess I am at the beginning of the learning curve. I have participated in a blog and have created a wiki for my students to share their research information on.

What do I look forward to with 23 things on a stick?
I look forward to the hands-on experience of working with the tools. Nothing breeds confidence like experience. I would like it if I could share what I am learning with my students and fellow staff in my library lessons this spring.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Setting up my avatar

I found the process of setting up the avatar way too time consuming. Perhaps my lack of "playfulness" is showing through here?? However, I do think that people are being encourage to put in way too much "screen time" to "create" just such things.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thing 1: Setting up this blog

It has taken me over an hour to set up this blog. My first many names and URLs were not accepted. I almost gave up. But voila! here I am.

Let's continue!