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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 2: Response to "What is Library 2.0?"

Where will I find the time to explore the 23 things?
It is true, as Abram stated in the audio clip, that you find time for things that are important to you. This is important to me so I will commit to it and do it.

Why am I choosing to participate in this "exercise?"
I want to understand and learn the tools that people, especially young people are using to communicate with each other. We all can benefit from the giant social network provided for us by the web and the tools that keep being invented for it. It would be easier (lazier) to not participate now but in the long term that choice would result in being way out of touch with the culture, personally and professionally.

How has the Internet and all its resources affected my life?
Life truly has become an "open-book test." Everything I want to know I can easily search for on the Internet. It may be a recipe - or a quick check on an author's background. I am always "in-the-know." It makes me a valuable asset to those I work with and for as well as to those I live with!

What's my knowledge of the Web 2.0 tools?
I have a little knowledge and experience, but confess I am at the beginning of the learning curve. I have participated in a blog and have created a wiki for my students to share their research information on.

What do I look forward to with 23 things on a stick?
I look forward to the hands-on experience of working with the tools. Nothing breeds confidence like experience. I would like it if I could share what I am learning with my students and fellow staff in my library lessons this spring.

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